I’ve never been formally educated in seminary or theology or even finished college (at this point) for that matter. But I am a prodigious reader and have formulated thoughts and ideas from all the books I’ve read, from all the teachings I have been exposed to in church and elsewhere, and from much time spent in prayer and Bible reading. The scriptures say the Holy Spirit is a great teacher, and I would hope I have absorbed some of what the Lord has tried to teach me over the years. Most of what I have to say is opinion, but where opinion is based on scriptural truth, I will try to remember to notate the passages I refer to. You are free to agree or disagree with me. Whichever you choose, I pray that the Lord will reveal to you truth… not as I see it necessarily, but as He gives YOU light by His Holy Spirit.
That having been said, I will also add that some of my prose is informal, random thoughts that come to me on occasion. I am also in the process of trying to write my autobiography, and simultaneously trying to write a fantasy novel… And still I write poetry, too. Like I said on the About Poetry page, I can’t “not write”. Read on. Check whatever you find against the truth of scripture and through the filter of prayer and the Holy Spirit. Be ministered to, I hope, and let me know what you think of my writings. There is allowance on this site for comments, but you need to register as a user to leave your comments. I moderate all comments before posting them (for the sake of continuity and to prevent spamming), but I will be unbiased about whether the comments are positive or negative. I’ll put them out there and we can discuss :-).
Love in Him,