I saw a giant, pure white eagle (and I mean GIANT — I was seeing the angel of the North… as in North / South / East / West) leap up off the ground to take flight. When he did, everything under his claws was torn up. He flapped his wings mightily in order to gain altitude and had to work at it for some time before he was able to soar on the heights.

  1. The surface he had been resting on was very messy.
  2. The air turbulence created by his wings also disturbed the environment around him.
  3. He had to work very hard to gain height.

The Holy Spirit said to me that I was to note these things because whenever God is doing something new, there will be messiness, turbulence and hard work before we are able to soar on the wind of His Spirit. It takes A LOT OF EFFORT to get off the ground!!!