Heaven help me, I just need You.
Somehow this life has gotten so overwhelming
That I can barely keep my head up,
So, I’m reaching out again in my distress
Because I don’t know what else I can do.
It feels like I can’t even pray these days.
I read the scripture in hopes that I can hear You
Even though the words feel like they droop on the page.
I feel like a desert in the summer heat
Without a drop of rain for miles and miles—
Truly a wilderness experience right now.
Still, somehow I am choosing to believe,
As parched as I feel, that You haven’t left me.
This dry patch of lethargy and ennui needs to dissipate.
I know You are faithful in my wanderings.
I’m asking, O Lord, that you bring me back to You again.
Let me hear Your voice, please, Jesus.
Show me, once more, the value of the secret place.
I’ve forgotten how to rest in You,
But You… are still You,
Glorious, high, and exalted above everything,
Especially me and my foolishness.
I choose You again, Lord, over all I feel,
Because You. Are. My. God.

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